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Suing Government Agencies For Injuries In Pennsylvania


One of the government’s most important roles is to protect the safety of average residents. However, sometimes the government actually causes injuries or even deaths in Pennsylvania. If you have suffered an injury that you believe was caused by government negligence, you may have the opportunity to file an injury lawsuit and pursue compensation. This compensation may prove useful in paying for your medical expenses, missed wages, and pain and suffering.

Examples of Accidents Caused by Government Agencies 

Government agencies can cause a wide range of injuries due to various forms of negligence.

One example is premise liability. This involves an accident that occurs on government property. If the accident was caused by some kind of negligence, injured plaintiffs can sue the government agency that owns or oversees the property. For example, a government agency may fail to clear away snow or ice on the property. A plaintiff may then slip and fall in the parking lot, on the sidewalk, or on any other walking area within the premises.

Another example is an auto accident. Governments own and operate various vehicles in Pennsylvania. These might include fire trucks, dump trucks, ambulances, police cars, and many others. If the person operating the vehicle is guilty of some kind of negligence and this breach of duty leads to an auto crash, injured victims can sue the relevant government agency directly for any damages.

One potential recent example involved a fire truck striking and killing a Pennsylvania resident on July 6th of 2023. Apparently, the victim pulled in front of the fire truck without yielding the right of way. However, a full investigation may eventually determine that the fire truck driver was partially at fault.

Are There Any Special Rules When I Sue a Government Agency in Pennsylvania? 

Depending on your unique situation, you may have to overcome certain barriers before you can successfully sue a government agency in Pennsylvania. One example is sovereign immunity, which provides certain government agencies with a layer of protection from lawsuits.

There are also shorter statutes of limitations, as you may only have a few months in which to  provide a government agency with a written report of the alleged injury. This is why it’s so important to get in touch with a lawyer and file your lawsuit as soon as you are able. In addition, the Sovereign Immunity Act means that the maximum amount you can possibly get for a government injury claim is $250,000.

Where Can I Find a Qualified, Experienced Injury Attorney in Pennsylvania? 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Scranton personal injury attorney, look no further than the Needle Law Firm. Over the years, we have helped numerous injured plaintiffs with various lawsuits, including those filed against government agencies. If you have experienced this situation firsthand, you have every right to explore your legal options. You can do so by getting in touch and booking a consultation today. Reach out now.


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