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Can Vehicle Extrication Cause Additional Injuries In Pennsylvania?


After some of the worst auto crashes in Pennsylvania, victims must be “extricated” from their vehicles. In other words, the wreckage is so intense that motorists become trapped within. Various tools and procedures can help free these victims, and first responders are trained to efficiently extricate them. What happens when something goes wrong, and the extrication process causes additional injuries?

Police Officer Trapped Inside Their Own Vehicle After Pennsylvania Crash 

Even police officers require extrication from time to time. On February 10th of 2024, ABC News reported that a police officer had become trapped in their own vehicle after a crash. A driver smashed into a utility pole before eventually colliding with the officer’s vehicle – and the pole fell on top of the police car in such a way that trapped the officer inside. The officer then had to wait for first responders to arrive and extricate him, while the other driver was hospitalized. It is not clear what caused this crash, or whether criminal charges will be filed.

How Does Extrication Work? 

First responders arrive at the crash scene and determine the extent of the wreckage. Next, they use a range of methods to remove occupants from mangled vehicles. The “jaws of life” are especially popular. Sometimes, first responders must cut away entire sections of the vehicle. Often, extrication is fairly straightforward – and first responders may only need to break a few windows to access patients. 

How Can Extrication Lead to Additional Injuries? 

Extrication can and does lead to additional injuries on a fairly frequent basis. The extrication process can set off airbags that have not yet been activated – causing additional trauma to the patient. Airbag detonations after crashes can prove fatal in serious cases. Patients face additional risks from power tools and other equipment. Cutting into metal can send sparks flying into the patient – potentially causing burns. First responders may accidentally cut into patients during this process. Even smashing a window can cause additional injuries to patients if not carried out correctly.

Firehouse states that there is “no excuse” for injuries to patients during the extrication process. First responders must approach this in the most careful, professional way possible. Only first responders who have been specially trained in extrication techniques should engage in this process, as improper attempts to free victims may only make the situation worse.

Find a Qualified, Experienced Injury Attorney in Pennsylvania 

If you have been searching for a qualified, experienced Scranton car accident attorney, look no further than the Needle Law Firm. We know that the extrication process can often lead to additional injuries, and there is no excuse for this level of negligence among first responders. Extrication injuries provide additional opportunities to pursue compensation from government agencies, and you can also hold negligent drivers liable for causing the initial accident. To learn more about your legal options, book a consultation with us today.


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