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Filing A Lawsuit For A Faulty Hip Implant In Pennsylvania


Hip implants can help people live normal lives and continue to be active even after suffering from serious health issues, such as fractured hips. When people receive hip implants in Pennsylvania, the assumption is that these medical devices will function normally and reliably. Unfortunately, many patients are discovering that their hip implants are defective, and this can lead to all kinds of medical issues. If you find yourself in this situation, you might be wondering whether you can file a lawsuit.

If you’d like to explore this possibility further, your best bet is to get in touch with a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in Pennsylvania. These legal professionals can carefully examine your unique situation before recommending the best course of action. If you choose to move forward with a lawsuit, your lawyer can then help you gather evidence, negotiate on your behalf, and represent you in court if necessary.

How Does a Hip Implant Lawsuit Work? 

When you file a lawsuit due to a defective hip implant, you are essentially holding the manufacturer of the medical device accountable for negligence. This is known as a product liability lawsuit. On the other hand, you might also sue doctors or healthcare organizations for providing you with this implant. These lawsuits are known as medical malpractice lawsuits. It can be tricky to figure out exactly who you should sue, as both medical professionals and manufacturers could potentially be held liable in this situation. In the end, it’s probably best to trust the judgment of your attorney.

Hip Implant Recalls 

A number of hip implants have been recalled due to safety concerns. Most of these hip implants are “metal-on-metal” devices, which have since come under serious scrutiny by the FDA. These devices can cause pain, discomfort, and even a medical condition called “metallosis.” A vast number of manufacturers have recalled these faulty devices, including the BHR System and Stryker LFIT. It’s also worth pointing out that Johnson & Johnson’s DePuy “Pinnacle” hip implants have been the subject of thousands of lawsuits over the past few years. Although these implants have never been officially recalled, J&J has paid out numerous settlements to thousands of victims, and the total value of these settlements has reached billions of dollars.

How Much Money Will I Receive for My Hip Implant Lawsuit? 

It’s often difficult to figure out exactly how much money you will receive. Most of the time, you will be negotiating with representatives from insurance companies and major organizations like J&J for a settlement, and your total amount will depend heavily on your attorney’s negotiation skills.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today 

The skilled Scranton personal injury attorneys at the Needle Law Firm can help you file a claim for compensation. Over the years, we have helped numerous individuals, including those who have been harmed by medical procedures. We know that these defective hip implants can have a tremendous effect on your life, and we’re ready to help you fight for your rights in an effective manner. With our assistance, you can recover a settlement that compensates you for everything you’ve been forced to endure. Book your consultation today.


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