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Scranton Wrongful Death Lawyer

If an accident claimed the life of someone you love, you have already suffered a terrible tragedy. If that accident was caused by someone else’s wrongful act, whether intentional or careless, the tragedy is magnified. However, in such situations, the law holds responsible the person whose negligent or reckless actions caused the death—or the producers and suppliers of a defective product that led to the death.

The party responsible (who may be an individual or an entity such as a hospital or manufacturing company) would have to compensate the family members, who depended on the deceased, for the various losses that they suffer as a result of the untimely death. Such losses would include not only the wages or job-related benefits that the family member would have earned, but also the loss of benefits more difficult to quantify—such as companionship or advice.

In addition, the estate of the deceased may bring a “survival action,” seeking compensation for the deceased person’s medical and burial bills, as well as for the deceased’s conscious pain and suffering prior to the wrongful death.

At the law firm of Needle Law Firm, our Scranton wrongful death lawyers know that the death of a loved one is followed by a period of consuming grief and confusion. At the same time, the law demands that any claims for compensation be filed within a limited window of time.

If one of your family members was killed, whether in a car accident or a construction accident, as a result of medical malpractice, or in other circumstances that lead you to believe that a wrongful act caused that death, please contact us for a free consultation. Our experienced and caring attorneys are knowledgeable about the law and skilled in dealing with insurance companies. Let us take the lead in investigating what happened, bringing together the necessary evidence, translating your loss into financial terms (which often requires expert opinions from doctors, economists, and others), and pursuing compensation on your behalf.

Our Scranton wrongful death lawyers do not charge a fee unless you win. To schedule a free consultation about a possible wrongful death claim, please call us at (570) 344-1266.

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