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Scranton Lyft Accident Lawyer

While many people own their own vehicles, many people use rideshare vehicles such as Lyft for various reasons. Maybe they need to go somewhere where parking is limited. Perhaps their vehicle is in the shop. Maybe they just left a party and are too drunk to drive home.

Whatever the reason, having someone pick you up and drop you off somewhere has its advantages. However, people need to be aware that using rideshare vehicles comes with dangers, just like riding in any other vehicle.

In fact, Lyft rideshare drivers have additional pressures that other drivers don’t typically have to face. For Lyft drivers, their livelihoods depend on their driving performance. They are rated and evaluated by passengers, so this can create pressure to entertain passengers. They may also take risks to reach their destination as soon as possible, which may mean speeding and running red lights. Lyft drivers also have to contend with unruly and even dangerous passengers.

A rideshare accident can come with complications. Who is at fault — the driver or the rideshare company? Needle Law Firm has Scranton Lyft accident lawyers who can help you with your case.

Causes of Rideshare Accidents 

A rideshare driver can get into an accident through the following:

  • Drowsy driving. A driver who is overly tired can get into a car accident.
  • Distracted driving. A Lyft driver who is not paying attention to the road and is instead focused on texting or talking to passengers can get into a crash.
  • Road rage. Rideshare drivers are often in a hurry to get to their destination, so they engage in dangerous behavior, such as not following traffic laws.

Lyft Insurance Coverage

Whether you are a rideshare driver or passenger, it’s helpful to know what insurance coverage applies if you are in an accident. Here’s what you should know:

  • Period 0. This is when the rideshare app is off. At this time, your personal auto insurance coverage applies.
  • Period 1. This is when the app is on and the rideshare driver can receive requests. At this time, Uber and Lyft both offer $25,000 per accident for property damage, $50,000 per person for bodily injury, and $100,000 per accident for bodily injury.
  • Period 2. This is during a ride or when the driver is on their way to pick up a passenger. Uber and Lyft both offer $1 million for third-party auto liability as well as comprehensive and collision coverage up to the actual cash value of the car. 

Contact Needle Law Firm Today

Many people use rideshare vehicles to get around. They’re useful in large cities where parking is at a premium as well as in situations where a person is too intoxicated to drive home. However, accidents can still occur.

Sometimes Lyft drivers are negligent or reckless. If they have caused your accident, seek legal help from the Scranton Lyft accident lawyers from Needle Law Firm. We’ll help determine liability and get you the compensation you deserve. Schedule a free consultation today by calling (570) 344-1266 or filling out the online form.

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