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Personal Injuries Due to E-Cigarette Explosions


E-cigarettes are electronic devices that are gaining popularity in the United States that are an attempt to offer a substitute for smoking cigarettes. E-cigarettes are also known as e-cigs and vape pens. With virtually no regulations imposed on these electronic devices, severe and catastrophic injuries have resulted from “vaping” or e-cigarette usage.

E-Cigarette Background

A U.S. study suggests that approximately 10.8 million American adults are currently using e-cigarettes. More than half of them are under 35, and that calculates to 1 in 20 adult Americans using this new form of nicotine delivery. Additionally, those under 18 are also vaping and using e-cigarettes.

E-cigarettes became popular as an alternative to cigarettes. However, no product safety regulations have ever been issued by the government regarding these devices. In fact, many of these e-cigarettes are manufactured in China, where there is little oversight and regulations regarding quality control measures. Unfortunately, defective e-cigarettes are now commonplace and known to actually explode causing serious and severe injuries. With no established legal requirements to protect their safety, these dangerous products are causing catastrophic and permanent injuries to their users.

E-Cigarette Defects and Explosions

The Federal Emergency Management Agency now reports that hundreds of serious e-cigarette explosions have occurred in the United States, and the number is rising exponentially. The most common scenarios of e-cigarette explosions include:

  • Explosions while in use, causing severe injuries to the face, neck and upper body
  • Overheating while being charged and then exploding
  • Exploding during a form of transport (in pockets, purses, etc.)

When an e-cigarette does explode, the typical reason is due to a battery defect. Batteries in e-cigarettes are overheating causing explosions. Even more dangerous are the lithium-ion batteries that often overheat. A lithium-ion battery overheating will literally vent a hot gas which builds up significant pressure inside of the e-cigarette casing causing a massive explosion. The force behind an e-cigarette explosion creates a violent reaction, which has been compared to an explosion from a pipe bomb, or a rocket.

Serious Personal Injuries Caused by E-Cigarettes

Whether e-cigarettes are safer than smoking for a person’s lungs is debatable, and some research proves that vaping and e-cigarettes may actually be worse for users’ health than cigarettes and cigars. However, the personal injuries caused by vaping and e-cigarette explosions can be so severe that they are life-altering. Unfortunately, the types of devastating personal injuries that are common from e-cigarette explosions can include facial injuries, bone loss, skin loss, jaw damage, facial damage, brain damage, 3rd-degree burns, loss of body parts, infection, and permanent disfigurement.

Let Us Help You Today

Until these devices are regulated, more catastrophic personal injuries will occur. If you were injured due to a vaping or e-cigarette explosion, you unfortunately likely suffered serious injuries. Contact the Needle Law Firm as soon as possible, and our experienced Scranton personal injury lawyers will help you build your personal injury case stemming from these poorly regulated and manufactured devices. Call for a free consultation today at 570-344-1266 or visit us online.



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