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Stroudsburg Trip & Fall Lawyer 

Trip and fall accidents happen more often than you might expect in Stroudsburg. From inside grocery stores and office spaces to the home of a friend or neighbor, a slip, trip, or fall accident can happen quickly and without any kind of warning. While you might think that a slip, trip, and fall accident is unlikely to cause the severe kinds of injuries that result from other types of accidents, it is important to know that trips and falls do often result in head trauma, broken bones, and other serious injuries that can be debilitating.

When a trip and fall has left you with disabling injuries and you are unable to work, it is important to know that you may be able to file a claim for compensation. By filing a personal injury lawsuit, you may be able to obtain a damages award or a settlement that can help you to pay for medical bills, to cover lost wages, and to compensate you for your pain and suffering. A Stroudsburg trip & fall lawyer can help.

Trips and Falls in Stroudsburg: Get the Facts

How often do slips, trips, and falls happen, and what causes them? The National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI) provides some of the following facts and figures:

  • Falls result in more than eight million visits to emergency departments every year, and about one million of those visits are the direct result of slips, trips, and falls;

  • Fractures are the most common injury in a trip and fall, and they happen in about five percent of these accidents;

  • Hip fractures are the most common type of fracture in a slip, trip, and fall, and they are also the leading cause of death from trip and fall accidents;

  • Slips, trips, and falls are the most common reason for workers’ compensation claims, and they are the leading cause of occupational injury among workers aged 55 and older;

  • Approximately 50 percent of all accidental deaths that happen in the home are caused by falls, and a majority of these happen at ground level (meaning that they are slips, trips, and falls);

  • About 15,000 people over the age of 65 die every year as a result of injuries sustained in a slip, trip, and fall; and

  • Women are statistically more likely to get hurt in a slip, trip, and fall accident.

Trip and Fall Accident Claims in Stroudsburg

Pennsylvania property owners—as well as people in control or possession of property, such as renters—have a duty under Pennsylvania law to maintain the property in such a way that does not result in injury to another person. However, the level of this “duty of care” depends upon what kind of person is on the property:

  • Invitee: This is someone who has clear permission to be on the property for the benefit of the invitee and the property owner (such as a patron at a business). An invitee is owed the highest duty of care by the property owner.

  • Licensee: This is someone who also has clear permission to be on the property, but typically for social purposes (such as a friend, neighbor, or family member). A licensee is still owed a higher duty of care, but the not as high as that for an invitee.

  • Trespasser: This is someone who does not have permission to be on the property, and the property owner owes the lowest duty of care. However, a property owner in Stroudsburg, PA still can be responsible for trip and fall injuries to trespassers in some situations.

Learn More from a Stroudsburg Trip and Fall Lawyer

Were you injured in a trip and fall accident? An experienced trip and fall attorney in Stroudsburg can assist with your claim. Contact Needle Law Firm for more information.

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