What Might Cause A Slip And Fall In Pennsylvania?

If you’ve ever slipped and fallen, you know that this type of accident is anything but a minor inconvenience. A slight loss of balance can send you to the ground, resulting in head injuries, fractured hips, broken wrists, and many other potential injuries. You might think that the actual cause of your slip and fall is irrelevant. After all, you need to focus on healing from your injuries rather than worrying about what caused them. On the other hand, determining the cause of your injury is important if you want to file a lawsuit and receive compensation. So what might cause a slip and fall?
Dimly-Lit Areas
One of the most underappreciated hazards that can lead to slips and falls is the lack of light. Dimly-lit areas can cause serious injuries – even if there are no spills or issues with the actual floor. When people can’t see where they’re stepping, they can easily stumble and fall. This is especially true for elderly individuals, who often suffer from cataracts and other vision problems. A dimly-lit hallway or staircase is a recipe for disaster, and it can lead to some serious injuries for innocent people.
A spill is a more obvious hazard associated with slips and falls. Virtually any liquid imaginable can become a hazard when it is left unaddressed on a floor. After cleaning a floor, a thin layer of water can cause people to lose their footing and hit the ground. This is why you often see those “wet floor” signs after cleaning. There are many other liquids that can lead to falls, from milk and cooking fat to oil and auto fluid.
In addition, debris can lead to slips and falls. Perhaps the most classic example is a banana peel left on the floor. Make no mistake – the cartoons have a shred of truth to them. Banana peels and other fruits can cause serious injuries. Another classic example is a handful of marbles spread across a floor. There are many other examples of debris that can lead to injuries.
Ice or Snow
Pennsylvania is no stranger to ice and snow, and this can certainly pose a serious slipping hazard for people on sidewalks, driveways, and parking lots. Sometimes, the ice layer is completely invisible, causing people to slip without warning. Snow can also cause people to lose their footing, especially when it is very deep. Property owners have a responsibility to clear away ice and snow in a timely manner, or they may be sued for injuries.
Where Can I Find a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney in Pennsylvania?
For help from a skilled Scranton personal injury lawyer, contact the Needle Law Firm. Over the years, we have assisted numerous injured plaintiffs in the Keystone State, and we know that slips and falls can be caused by a variety of property owner negligence. With our assistance, you can hold these negligent parties accountable and receive enough compensation for medical expenses, missed wages, emotional distress, and any other damages you might have incurred. Book your consultation today.