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What You Need To Know About The Statute Of Limitations In Pennsylvania


The statute of limitations can impact your personal injury lawsuit greatly. If you’re approaching an injury claim, it makes sense to learn as much as you can about the statute of limitations and how it applies to your unique situation. As the name implies, the statute of limitations in Pennsylvania may “limit” your ability to take legal action. Therefore, it’s best to figure out the details of this law before you get too invested in a potential injury claim.

The best way to approach this situation is to get in touch with a qualified, experienced personal injury attorney in Pennsylvania as soon as possible. During your initial consultation with one of these attorneys, you can discuss the details of your situation and determine whether or not you can proceed with legal action. Your attorney can advise you on how the statute of limitations might affect your case. If everything is in order, your personal injury lawyer can then guide you forward towards a positive legal outcome.

What’s the Statute of Limitations for My Case? 

There are many different types of personal injury lawsuits, and so the statute of limitations can vary based on the unique aspects of your situation:

  • Personal Injury: Cases involving “normal” personal injury must adhere to a statute of limitations of two years. This involves car accidents, slips and falls, and so on.
  • Medical Malpractice: If you are filing a medical malpractice claim, the statute of limitations is also generally two years.
  • Product Liability: If you are filing a product liability claim, you will also need to adhere to a statute of limitations of two years.
  • Suing the Government: Things are slightly different if you are suing the government. In this situation, you need to file a claim within six months from the date of the injury.

Don’t Give Up Just Yet 

If more than two years have passed (or six months in the case of a government claim), don’t give up just yet. Plaintiffs can still sue under certain circumstances, even if the statute of limitations has expired. For example, those who have suffered clergy abuse can file claims up to the age of 55, regardless of how much time has passed since the initial abuse. You can also sue once you become aware of your injuries. For example, you might have first ingested asbestos at the workplace 30 years ago, but you might only become aware that it caused cancer within the last few months.

Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today 

For help from a skilled Scranton personal injury lawyer, reach out to the Needle Law Firm. We know that dealing with complex legal terms like “statute of limitations” can seem a little confusing, especially if you have no legal background. Rest assured that you can leave the complexities of your case to us while you focus on recovering from your injuries. With our assistance, you can strive towards a fair, adequate settlement that compensates you for your medical expenses, missed wages, and much more. Book your consultation today.


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