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Who Is Liable If I Crash Into A Construction Vehicle In Pennsylvania?


On any given day, numerous construction vehicles pose threats to motorists in Pennsylvania. These include dump trucks, scissor lifts, forklifts, excavators, and many others. What happens if you crash into one of these vehicles? Due to their tough construction, these vehicles are likely to cause catastrophic injuries. Survivors may struggle with PTSD, disfigurement, medical expenses, missed wages, and many other damages. Who is liable for a construction vehicle crash in Pennsylvania? How do you pursue compensation for your damages?

Numerous Vehicles Crash into Construction Vehicles in Pennsylvania 

This type of crash is more common than many people realize. Within a single week, there are numerous crashes throughout the state that involve construction vehicles. On February 27th of 2024, one fatality was reported after a head-on collision with a coal truck in Armstrong County. Police say that the vehicles collided on Route 156, and the collision left the coal truck lying on its side. It is not clear which driver lost their life, but one would suspect the driver of the smaller passenger vehicle died. The other driver suffered only minor injuries, and the cause of the accident was not revealed.

On the same day in Bensalem, another fatality was reported after a passenger vehicle crashed into a crane. This crash seems to have occurred on Exit 351 in Bucks County, but very few additional details were released to the public. One can assume that the driver of the passenger vehicle lost their life due to the impact, especially given the tough, unyielding construction of a typical crane. This construction equipment is built to withstand incredible forces, and a smaller vehicle would simply crumple against it.

Who Can I Sue After a Collision with a Construction Vehicle? 

The obvious party to sue after this type of accident would be the construction company. Various degrees of negligence can cause these crashes. Contractors often fail to warn drivers of construction zones, and you might have turned a corner before suddenly impacting a stationary crane or dump truck. In addition, many truck drivers exhibit reckless, negligent behavior behind the wheel. Many are guilty of DUIs, distracted driving, and various other traffic offenses.

Due to Pennsylvania’s comparative negligence system, you can sue even if you were partially responsible for your own crash. For example, you might have broken the speed limit while approaching a construction zone. For more information on filing a lawsuit after a construction crash, be sure to speak with a qualified attorney.

Find a Qualified, Experienced Accident Attorney in Pennsylvania 

If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced Scranton truck accident attorney, look no further than the Needle Law Firm. With our assistance, you can pursue compensation and justice after a crash with a construction vehicle. We know how traumatic and life-altering these crashes can be. Book a consultation today to determine who you might sue in this situation.


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